Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Minor (and Major) Arcana: the Mandorla video

We know that all things begin and all things come to an end. This process is an endless cycle of generation, manifestation, decay, and then return to the source. Beginning with the Ace, we progress from 1 to 2 and then combine Source and Wisdom to form 3, Understanding. Based on this comprehension, we can make use of this eternal cycle to improve ourselves using 4 (Square), 5 (Pentagram), and then 6 (Hexagram) to make a better world for ourselves and for others.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

As Above, So Below 02: Pentagram as the Tree of Life

 This second exploration of the unfolded pentagram uses a different system of numbering to generate a diagram similar to the Qabalistic Tree of Life with ten stations, but is built on two pentagrams rather than using hexagrams.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Octogram 01: Planetary Values

An arrangement of the planetary values on an eight-point star of magick. This arrangement can be combined with the viewer’s natal horoscope to create a personal map of occult development.

Planetary values applied to the eight-pointed star of magick.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Minor Arcana: Threes and Understanding

 I've seen several questions in Tarot groups on the role of the "3" cards of the Minor Arcana. In this video, I explore the function and purpose of the 3's in the Minor Arcana, and how they can help better comprehend the Major Arcana as well.